Łączy praktyczne szkolenie z uruchomieniem aplikacji


In all cases, after we evaluate your case, we propose to you an specific training path to fit on your real needs and timing, offering the level of detail appropriate for your project.

Always expert training right from the source. Our training is developed by product experts at OpenKM and is offered in a variety of delivery options tailored to you.

Providing a roadmap to success through customized training provides a framework for end-users to master the skills required to utilize the customized application.

Strong end-user adoption ensures that users understand the functionality of the application and have acquired the skills to effectively use the application.

Our offerings include:

  • Custom End User Training.
  • On line Live Training.

Custom End User Training.


  • Application administration skills.
  • End user enablement training session for small groups.
  • Complete customizations.
  • Integrations.
  • Workflows.
  • Individualized sessions per company.
  • Reduced number of assistants.
  • Direct contact with OpenKM team developers.
  • Code review.

On line Live Training.

  • OpenKM Administrator Course.
  • OpenKM Certified Consultant.
  • Workflows Course.
  • Basic User Training. Free

OpenKM Administrator Course

Location: OpenKM Online Platform

Requirements: technical profile or skills are recommended.

The OpenKM Administrator online course provides the necessary knowledge for the development and expansion of the document management software.

Content: Download administrator course content

Basic concepts

  • Start the application on Linux.
  • Start the application on Windows.

Basic administration functionalities

  • Distribution of the functionalities in the administration.
  • Definition of document types (mime types).
  • How to use the documentation.
  • Statistics Panel.
  • User Management.
  • Security Basics.
  • Profile Management.
  • Relations.
  • CSS style management.
  • Reports.
  • Audit.
  • Automation.
  • Workflow.
  • Stamp.
  • Crontab.
  • Zonal OCR.
  • Language management.
  • Advanced utilities.
  • Settings.
  • Login page customization.
  • Password Validation.

Installation process

  • Linux.
  • Windows.
  • Integration with AD.

OpenKM Certified Consultant

Location: OpenKM Online Platform

The training is aimed at non-expert personnel in documentary management, such as Pre-Sales and After-Sales Consultants, Project Managers, Document Management Technicians, to acquire basic knowledge and theoretical concepts of document management on:

  • The design and implementation of a document management system.
  • The parts that make up a document management system.
  • Its application and management on the OpenKM platform.

Content: Download Certified Consultant content

Documentary management in the company's processes

  • Documents, company and knowledge society.
  • Basics of document management.
  • Good practices for document management.

Designing a documental management system

  • Contextual analysis and documentary needs in the company.
  • Parameters for DMS definition.
  • Construction of the document management system.

Setup and parameterization of OpenKM

  • Introduction to OpenKM.
  • Setting up OpenKM.
  • Practical application in OpenKM.
  • OpenKM information retrieval.


Location: OpenKM Online Platform


  • Requirements.
  • Design.
  • Construction.
  • Implementation.
  • Structure.
  • Swimlanes.
  • Node condition.
  • Manual approvals.
  • Timers.
  • Versions.
  • Automated actions.

Basic User Training

Location: OpenKM Online Platform Free


  • Introduction.
  • Explorer and properties.
  • Notes and safety.
  • History, preview, and relationships.
  • Workflows and signatures.
  • Extensions, stamping and automation.
  • Templates, reports and search engine.
  • Task manager and OCR.

Dlaczego warto inwestować w szkolenia

Odpowiednio wyszkoleni specjaliści mają szerszą wiedzę o produkcie, która pozwala im wykorzystać wszystkie elementy, których uczą się w zorganizowanym programie szkoleniowym, aby pomóc im skupić się na tym, co ważne, uniknąć typowych pułapek i lepiej opanować problemy, zauważając je i unikać ich wystąpienia.

Szkolenie pomoże Ci osiągnąć większy zwrot z inwestycji i realizować go szybko. Znacząco redukując czasochłonność, szkolenia umożliwią Twojej organizacji:

  • Zwiększenie produktywność pracowników.
  • Szybsze osiąganie celów biznesowych.
  • Redukcję błędów podczas instalacji, konfiguracji i wdrażania.
  • Stosowanie spójnych szkoleń w zespołach funkcjonalnych.
  • Umożliwienie użytkownikom końcowym korzystania z aplikacji w celu maksymalizacji korzyści biznesowych

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WaySoft sp. z o.o.

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